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Austin County Courthouse

Storm Shelter Registration Flyer
Please use the link below to register your storm shelter. Your storm shelter location can be added to a map that is connected with the 911 system. In the event of a tornado your location will be available to our local emergency response team. 

LINK - https://forms.gle/Hwz7HUVEtQSE8ZTe7

Welcome to Roberts County

  • Judge Locke has requested that household donations be halted until there can be a list of needs established.

    The contact for any ag related needs or donations is:
    Hannah Sell, 806-202-9119, hannah.sell@ag.tamu.edu
    Large items and fencing donations will go to the airport. Small items such as feed will go to the Project Center.

    Damage Reporting to the State-iSTAT Damage Surveys (texas.gov)
    This includes vehicles, houses, cattle, etc.

    Ranch Disaster Relief-Disaster Relief Fund - Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (tscra.org).

    The High Plains Food Bank has immediate food and water resources available to all Roberts County residents that have been directly impacted by the fires. They are also working on getting non-food items together such as first aid supplies, toiletries, adult and infant diapers, etc. Please contact Amanda Hale in Judge Locke's office at 806-868-3721 or Rebecca Kee at 806-202-0380 so that we may be able to assist you.

    Monetary donations to help the people of Roberts County recover from the Smokehouse Creek Fire can be brought to any BOC Bank location (Miami, Shamrock, McLean, or Amarillo) or be mailed to: 

    BOC Bank
    PO Box 8
    Miami, TX 79059

    Donors who wish to specifically help farmers and ranchers restore their agricultural operations should make checks payable to: Unmet Needs-Agriculture.  All other donations should be made payable to: Unmet Needs-General..

    Through a partnership with the Miami Ministerial Alliance, a 501(c)3, all donations are tax-deductible.


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  • Roberts County Burn Ban has been reinstated as of August 26, 2024.

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